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We are always happy to hear from our many customers and readers.
Let us know about your club activities and events. Tell us about people, items and events you think our readers will enjoy or benefit from reading about. Send us your photos for the Where do you Read and our Bird Watch features.
We are happy to print, Free of Charge, announcements such as weddings, engagements, births, anniversaries, business promotions, awards and recognitions in The News.
There is a $20 charge for items that are an invitation to an event (such as an open house) and personal greetings (ex: Happy Birthday Dad from your kids). Items that thank individuals, businesses, and groups are printed in the Classifieds and Thank-you section, prepaid at the stated rate.
Letters to the Editor and Guest Editorials are intended for citizens to express an opinion about a subject relevant to our communities. Editorial submissions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this newspaper or its employees. The News does not ensure the accuracy of submitted items.
The Editor welcomes letters, but reserves the right to refuse publication. Letters should be 300 words or less - due to space limitations, longer letters may be edited. Anonymous letters will NOT be printed.
Please sign your letter and provide your address and phone number. Only your name and city will be printed. You may mail or email your letter to the editor.
Regular deadline for all items is 10 AM Mondays. Due to space limitations, it is always best to submit early.
Photos: Photos dropped at our locations or sent via US Postal service - Please include a stamped, self addressed envelop in which to return your photos. Otherwise, we will keep them at our office (for up to one year) for pick-up.